LBDAHS Publications

LBDAHS and its members have published a wide variety of fascinating books and pamphlets on matters of local history, some well known and others less well known. All our publications available for purchase are listed on this page. Please send us an email at if you wish to purchase any of our publications.

The History of Leighton Buzzard's Market Cross

Price: £8.00 (+ p&p)

This is the Society's most recent publication. A detailed history of Leighton Buzzard's iconic Market Cross, including the story of the lady who built it - Alice Chaucer, Lady of the Manor 1404-1475 and the granddaughter of the famous Geoffrey Chaucer.

Transactions 18

Price: £4 + p&p

This is our 18th Transactions publication. Articles such as a history of Heath Road, an update on the search for Linslade's Holy Well and much more can be found inside.

Henry Finch Esq of Linslade

Price: £10.00 (+ p&p)

It is the story of Henry Finch , who from humble beginnings in London as a Publican and wine merchant , managed to make a great deal of money, and because of his passion for hunting, moved to Linslade where he mixed with the Rothschilds and the Prince of Wales. He spent a great deal of money for the benefit of the people of Linslade, as well as creating his own very large house - the Gables. He held various civic positions from Chairman of the Linslade Town council to JP, and Churchwarden for St Barnabas and St Mary's Old Linslade churches - and yet today is almost forgotten.

Transactions 17

Price: £4 +p&p

This is the 2023 edition of Transactions. There are articles on the old Saracens Head pub, Jordan's Forge, lacemaking in Bedfordshire, another of the RAF VC winners whose names are commemmorated in the Billington park road names, and more.

Sand, Planes and Submarines

Price: £17.99 (+p&p)

How Leighton Buzzard shortened the First World War - the companion volume to our very popular The Secrets of Q Central - how Leighton Buzzard shortened the Second World War (see below). This is the story of Leighton Buzzard in WWI - how the demand for sand increased and what it was used for (the big guns could not have been made without it); the various aircraft that were made in the town, which enabled the Royal Flying Corps (the predecessor of the RAF) to take on the German Air Force; and the submarine nets, made about as far from the sea as you can get in Britain, which protected the Allied fleets from submarine attack.The many thoroughbred horses use by the aristocracy for hunting were mostly requisitoned by the army for service in the front line, and the Linslade postman and his horse Bluebell took part in the last great cavalry charge of the war. Details of all the local men who fell are included, plus those who won medals. The book was carefully researched by a group of LBDAHS members, who were sometimes amazed by what they discovered. Buy the book,read it, and share in their discoveries

Bigamy, Bankruptcy, War and Divorce

Price: £10.00 (+ p&p)

The tangled life of a Toddington Landlady, by Richard Hart and Paul Brown. A bank inspector in the 1970s found a box of love letters deposited during WWI and remaining unclaimed. He could not bear to throw them away but failed to find the owner. Some 40 years later he came across a book written by Richard Hart on the history of Lloyds Bank. Realising that Richard came from Toddington, he offered the letters to him. With the help of other members of the Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society, it was possible to unravel the fascinating story of the lady who was once in charge of the Sow and Pigs in Toddington, through her first marriage to a spendthrift who became bankrupt and disappeared shortly after the marriage (leaving her pregnant), to her second marriage, while it was not known whether her first husband was dead or alive, through an unsuccessful second marriage, to a deep passion for a third man, who reciprocated her feelings. After the end of WWI she divorced her second husband and married the third man. LBDAHS was able to trace her grandchildren who were astonished and delighted by their granmother's colourful life, and co-operated with the writing of the book.

The Secrets of Q Central - How Leighton Buzzard shortened the Second World War

Price: £14.99 (+ p&p)

Leighton Buzzard, a quiet market town with no military presence was chosen as the secret communications centre for Britain as the country prepared for war with Germany in 1937. When hostilities began 'Q Central'attracted a dozen other clandestine operations set up to defend the country or designed to confuse and undermine enemy morale. The headquarters of radar, RAF 60 Group,also came to Leighton Buzzard to be hidden from German attack and to be close to the telephone and radio communications needed to run its vast chain of radar stations. These directed the defending fighters that saved the country in the Battle of Britain and then took the bombing war to Germany Close by for the same reasons of secrecy and safety were the satellite stations of Bletchley Park,the now famous code breaking centre, the Met Office at Dunstable, which gave the all-clear for the D-Day landings, Black Ops units that set up false radio stations and wrote propaganda to confuse the enemy, and airfields used for dropping agents behind enemy lines. At Q Central itself was the largest telephone exchange in the world and more than 1,000 teleprinters communicating with all the armed forces in every theatre of war and directing the operations of the secret services. Now the restrictions of the Official Secrets Act have been lifted eight members of the Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeology and History Society have been able to piece together this compelling story for the first time. The book also contains many details about the evacuees who were billeted in the town, and how local people coped with the upheaval. 318 pp paperback; comprehensive index can be viewed on our Research pages

A Guide to St Mary's Church Old Linslade

Price: £3.00 (inc. p&p)

This guide book has been completely rewritten and expanded in the light of the recent discovery of fragments of wall painting on the chancel arch, which have placed the origin of the church at least 70 years earlier than previously thought. The new A4 format allows more space for good quality pictures - some recently discovered, such as the one on the cover which shows the porch which was taken down in 1876, and is therefore a very early example of photography - and more detail of the history of the surrounding village, now deserted. It is a valuable addition to the history of Old Linslade.

Millers and Methodists

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

We are pleased to be able to offer again Millers and Methodists by Chris Mesley. First published 2010 by LBDAHS; 32 page A4 portrait; new edition, now in full colour and with some revisions. Illustrated with photographs, maps and family trees. Contents: Acknowledgements - inside front cover;List of illustrations - p2;Preface - p3;Flemons the Millers - p3; Methodism - p6; Joseph Flemons' Ambitions - p9; The Younger Generation - p10; A new Wesleyan Chapel - p11; Influence on the wider church - p14; Albion House - p14; An aspiring grocer with an ethical dilemma - p17; The Steam Corn Mill - p20; Bransom the Miller - p23; Dollimore the Miller - p25; Connections - p29; Postscript - p31;Continuing Influence on Methodism - p31; Albion House and the Steam Mill - p31; Wesleyan Chapel - p31; Index - p33; List of Sources - inside back page.

Leighton Buzzard's Tudor House

Price: £4.00 (+p&p)

17 to 21a Hockliffe St is probably Leighton Buzzard's oldest house, with it's origins in the Tudor period. No 17 houses the TACTIC youth centre, and at their request LBDAHS investigated the history of the house. The results of our research are now published in this slim volume, which was launched at the TACTIC centre to coincide wth their 15th anniversary.

The Bassetts: Leighton Buzzard's First Family

Price: £3.00 (inc. p&p)

By Maureen Brown and June Masters Published 1989 96 page paperback A5 portrait; illustrated with drawings, photographs and maps.

All Sorts of Bassetts

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

The story of the family that helped shape Leighton Buzzard by Paul Brown. The book is intended for younger readers, describing life for children in the Victorian period. It contains a mile long Bassett trail through the town. This takes you past the buildings the family built, into the bank they founded and the school that bears the family name. See what an amazing contribution four generations of this Quaker family made to the town.

The Old Pubs of Leighton Buzzard and Linslade

Price: £6.50 (inc. p&p)

by Maureen Brown, June Masters and Tom Lawson Published 1995 136 page paperback A5 landscape; illustrated with photographs and maps. Index.

Leighton Buzzard's Monolith

Price: £4.50 (inc. p&p)

This slim volume tells the story of Leighton Buzzard's War Memorial, the largest block of granite every quarried in the UK. The general feeling throughout the country of needing to commemorate those who died in WWI is described along with the political climate of the time. The discussions as to what Leighton should have, and whether it should be joint with Linslade, are described as well as the principle of equality in death which resulted in the names being inscribed alphabetically without reference to rank. This new and important addition to the story of Leighton Buzzard's involvement in the Great War was launched on March 8th 2014.

Happy Days - Toddington Schools, 1854 to present day

Price: £20 (inc. p&p)

Limited edition, quality hardback plus jacket. 168 pages with some 180 photographs printed on fine quality art paper. The book covers the National School, Primary School, Council School, Secondary School, St George of England School and Parkfields All pupils who started the National or Primary School between 1917 and 1961 are named. The highlights are the personal memories of the children at school from the 1930s onwards

Mary Bassett School Log Book 1863 to 1887

Price: £12 (inc. p&p)

A transcript of the original handwritten record, this 218 page book contains information about the school, the pupil teachers, how the children were taught and what subjects, as well as details of many events in the town, descriptions of weather conditions, of reasons for absence (ranging from illnesses through blackberrying to the arrival of a circus in town). A valuable social history of Leighton Buzzard. There are only a few copies available

The Cedars School 1921 to 1973


A largely pictorial history of the town's first secondary school from when it opened in 1921 in Cedars House (now part of Leighton Middle School) right through to 1973 when the change to the comprehensive system necessitated a bigger school, and a new school was built in Mentmore Rd where the school playing fields already were. Past pupils and their families will enjoy the nostalgia By Richard Hart

The Way to School

Price: £6 (inc. p&p)

A history of the schools of Leighton Buzzard and Linslade, including Lace and Straw Plait Schools and the Workhouse school, as well as Mary Bassett's 'School for Cripples'(not a term we would use today, but acceptable at the time) which is nothing to do with the present Mary Bassett School By Maggi Stannard 

Chalk Dust and Boiled Cabbage

Price: £2.50 (inc. p&p)

A slim booklet of reminiscences about Stoke Road School (long demolished and replaced by flats) by a former teacher. It will stir the memory of former pupils and amaze those too young to recall a school without electricity (until 1953); making up and distributing ink to the inkwells in the desks; no telephone in school and so on. By Alan Scott

The Inns and Taverns of Lake St

Price: £3.50 (inc. p&p)

A5 illustrated booklet describing the 14 inns and taverns historically found in Lake St, including changes of names. By Maureen Brown and June Masters

All Saints Church Leighton Buzzard

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

A history of the great church of All Saints in Leighton Buzzard written in 1993 by the late Tom Lawson, a well-known and much loved local historian. This is a splendid collection of photographs, some very old, with Tom's inimitable commentary. This is not a detailed history book but a wonderful collection of snippets By Tom Lawson

St Barnabas Church Linslade; the First Hundred Years 1849 to 1949

Price: £8.50 (inc. p&p)

The story of the parish church of St Barnabas, from how it came to be built as the population of Linslade moved from Old Linslade and increased rapidly with the coming of the canal and railway, so that the old church of St Mary as Old Linslade was inadequate, through the building of the school (now the Community Hall), the addition of the tower and south aisle, erection of stained glass windows, new organ, bells and clock, the Lady chapel and the new north aisle, and much more, right up to the centenary celebrations in 1949 By John Vickers

The Town Hall in Leighton Buzzard

Price: £3 (inc. p&p)

by Maggi Stannard Published 2005 28 page paperback A5 portait; illustrated with photographs and maps.

Heath and Reach Wills 1537-1601

Price: £4.50 (inc. p&p)

A transcription of a large number of wills made by Heath and Reach residents between 1537 and 1601. The is a wealth of information about family relationships and occupations, about land holdings and about field names, as well as descriptions of people's property; some of the information predates surviving parish registers. Transcribed by Maureen Brown

Oliver G. Pike 1877-1963

Price: £5 +p&p

Oliver Pike was born in Enfield, moved to Marsworth when he married, and to Leighton Buzzard in 1922. He was a naturalist (with a nature reserve in his own garden), author (who wrote many books, mainly on birds) , and an excellent photographer who made many wildlife films. Sir David Attenborough described him as 'a towering figure'.

Colour the Past

Price: £3 (inc. p&p)

A colouring book for children with a number of pictures with a local history theme and a short historical caption to each

Transactions 1

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Published 2007 by Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society 32 page A4 portrait; illustrated with photographs and maps Contents: Editorial/The Victoria Iron Works p1/Invisible events, looking for them in Tilsworth p5/The Medieval Leighton Iron Industry p6/John Bailey - surveyor of Ancient Buildings p9/ Paramount Cars p10/Row Riddy Stone p13/Benjamin Bevan of Leighton Buzzard 1773 - 1833 p15/Interim report on the excavations at 5 Church Avenue p17/Ouzel Valley, Leighton Buzzard p22/An Incised Sandstone Block p23/ Earthworks on Whipsnade Common p24/Pot Firing at Pond Meadow p25/School Visit to Pond Meadow p26/Notes and Queries p27/ German Prisoners of War p27/ Second Interim Report on the Excavation at Pond Meadow p28/ Magnetometry Survey at Pond Meadow p29/ 2007 Society Activities p32/ 2007 Society Accounts p34

Transactions 2

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Published 2008 by Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society 36 page A4 portrait; illustrated with photographs and maps Contents: Editorial/The Piggott Family p1/ Heath and Reach 1851 Census p6/ History of the village of Heath and Reach: The Story So Far p10/ Triple Bank Earthwork, Whipsnade Common p14/ The 1950 Linslade Tornado p15/ 2006 Society Activities p18/ 2006 Society Accounts p19/ Ouzel Valley Mesolithic flints p20/ Watching Brief at Stone Lane Quarry p21/ Interim Report on the Excavation at Pond Meadow p26

Transactions 3

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Published 2009 by Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society 42 page A4 portrait; illustrated with photographs and maps Contents: Editorial pii/Archives - Bringing the Past to Life p1/Linslade Rock p7/Railway Disaster at Leighton Buzzard p8/Commemorative Medal of the Market Cross p14/The Two Knolls, Plantation Road, Leighton Buzzard p15/Test pit at 61 Woburn Road, Heath and Reach (SP 924 288) p16/The Empress Who Stayed in Leighton Buzzard p17/Leighton Buzzard and Linslade - A History by Paul Brown p18/Durocobrivis - Have we found it at last? p19/Heath and Reach Pump and Clock Tower p21/Heath and Reach P3 walk Sunday 19th October 2008 p22/Ouzel Valley, Leighton Buzzard p23/Golden Riddy - Notes on its History p25/Leighton’s Mysterious Cannonball p26/The Inns and Taverns of Heath and Reach p28/Leighton Buzzard Fire Service - A History p32/Society Activities 2008 p37/Annual Accounts 2008 p38/Boarstall Tower p40

Transactions 4

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Published 2010 by Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society 34 page A4 portrait; illustrated with photographs and maps Contents: Editorial pii/Bedfordshire’s First ‘Blue Plaque’ p1/Who Lived in Leighton Buzzard in 1671? p4/Test pit at 8 Gig Lane, Heath and Reach p5/The Day the Choir Exploded! p6/Leighton Buzzard at War - recollections - Ludovic McRae and Viv Willis p13/A Glimpse of Wartime Leighton Buzzard p14/Heathwood Lower School Visit p15/Online Resources for Local History p16/Vista House p17/Excavation at 27 Rothschild Road, Linslade p18/Society Activities 2009 p23/Annual Accounts 2009 p24/Where did the people of Linslade come from? p26/Ordnance Survey p29/Picture Gallery p33

Transactions 5

Price: £5.50 (inc p&p)

Published 2011 by Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society. 34 pages. A4 portrait, illustrated with photographs and maps. Contents: Editorial pii/Leighton Buzzard Spinney Pool p1, A Telegram Boy 1942-1945 p5/Leighton's Role in the Battle of Britain p8/The Roman Watling Street, Little Brickhill p9/LBDAHS Outreach to Children 2010 p14/34-36 High Street Leighton Buzzard, A Building Survey p15/An Iron Age Enclosure "Craddock's Camp" p23/Society Activities 2010 p26/Annual Accounts 2010 p28/Ordnance Survey Part 2 p29/ Railway Accident Between Dunstable and Leighton in 1892 p32

Transactions 6

Price: £5.50 (inc p&p)

The Society's annual research magazine. This one contains the story of the newly discovered 1838 map, extracts of an 18th century diary, the world champion drinker and much more.

Transactions 7

Price: £5.50 (inc p&p)

The annual journal of the Society, published 2013. In this one we look at 200 years of Beaudesert School; the history of the White House; Victoria Cross Winners of Billington Park; Tales from the Visitors Book of the Swan; the Victoria Electric Picture Palace; Mary Norton - did the Borrowers really live in Lake St? and much more.

Transactions 8

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

This is our biggest edition of our annual journal so far. Contents include the story of Morgan Carriage works, through cars to aeroplanes; Beaudesert War Memorial; Corbett's Hill Farm; the DamBusters Connection; Leighton's rotten roads - why we needed a turnpike; a Century of 'going to the pictures' and more.

Transactions 9

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

This ninth edition of our annual journal contains articles about Leighton Buzzard and Linslade's role in both World Wars as well as details of what the society has been doing in the past twelve months. There are some previously unpublished photographs, and a look at the origins of Old Linslade - and much more.

Transactions 10

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Our tenth annual journal, with articles  about  Joseph Paxton, Mentmore, Kitty Towers, Tichborne Terrace, one of Billington Park's VS winners and more, plus records of the archaeological work that the society has been doing.

Transactions 11

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Includes a portrait of the town in 1940; a story of Battlesden and Potsgrove;life in the workhouse; excavations at Goose Green Hockliffe, and much more.

Transactions 12

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Our twelfth annual journal includes the history of the Corn Exchange; early history of aviation in the district; the story of a rare long case clock, made in Leighton Buzzard and recently retrieved via ebay;a street history of Mentmore Gardens; another tale of a VC winner commemmorated in the Billington Park street names; archaeology in the churchyard of St Mary the Virgin, Eaton Bray, and at Three locks on the Grand Union Canal at Soulbury; an obituary of our first Chairman, Barry Horne - and more.

Transactions 13

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Our thirteenth annual journal.  This time we offer the oldest photo of the High St; the bi-centenary of Bevan's map of the town; details of an excavation in Bridge Strret, plus a history of the premises where we excavated (A touch of class- Peruke Maker to Hairdresser); another Billington Park VC; the search for Old Linslade's Holy Well; A house in Heath Road and the Traveller's Rest; Walks round a disppearing Linslade; the health properties of a stolen potato and much more.

Transactions 14

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Our 14th annual journal with stories of the Linslade Tornado of 1950; prize- fighting; the history of Ashwell St; the bells of Leighton Buzzard and Wing churches; the Corbett Raven; our search for the Old Linslade Holy Well, and much more.

Transactions 15

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Our 15th annual journal - slightly delayed due to Covid-19 - but worth waiting for. 44 pages , including details of the offical guides to the town in 1911 and 1951; Leighton's hunting days; the story of Church St and it's strange frontages; Lt Col James MacArthur - a local vet who ran a front line hospital for horses in WWI, was a member of the committee responsible for the War Memorial in Church Square, and whose ceremonial sword has been donated to the Society ; sand quarrying; and much more.

Transactions 16

Price: £5.50 (inc. p&p)

Our 16th edition of the annual Journal, with a new Editor - Dawn Dobbins, since Paul Brown decided 10years was long enough doing the job.

This year we have 44 pages of articles about Leighton Buzzard, and its people, coming right up to date with the story of the Leighton-Linslade Corona Quilt - completed in November 2021, and on display in the Library.

We also have a 12 page loose supplement telling the story so far of the Linslade Holy Well and our search for its whereabouts.There is the story of another of the RAF VC winners after whom the roads in the Billington Park estate are named; and much more

Pond Meadow Dig. Heath and Reach

Price: £6.50 (inc. p&p)

DVD Published 2006 by Leighton Buzzard and District Archaeological and Historical Society. The DVD is free to local schools on application.

The History of Linslade Wood

Price: £3.50 +p&p

This slim book describes the two parts of Linslade wood and how they came into being - the old part dating from the 10th century. It also describes the public Rights of Way, the impact of the railway, and the mangement of the woodland.